Welcome to the Billy Blues BANDZONE
Thank you for your interest in providing entertainment at Billy Blues. Please be aware that we are typically booked between six to twelve months in advance for weekend shows but we keep all submitted information on file in case we have a rare cancellation.
Please read the following carefully to determine if your act and Billy Blues might be a good fit for each other.
Billy Blues is currently providing a diverse selection of live entertainment six nights per week, including a Tuesday night rock jam/showcase, local bands in a variety of genres on Wednesday and Thursday nights, and the most popular bands in the area on Fridays and Saturdays. We round out the week on Sunday nights with a very successful youth jam, hosted by pro level musicians, that give young, local talent an opportunity to get on stage and work on developing their chops. We have found that for our customer demographic, the best fit musically for our venue is classic rock, tribute bands and certain blues acts.
Billy Blues has an outstanding house PA system and experienced sound tech along with a state of the art light show. We are a plug and play venue, where all you need to bring is your backline.
If you are hoping to play a Friday or Saturday night at Billy Blues you should most likely be in the rock or blues genre (we do make exceptions sometimes - we love all music!). We do consider other genres from time to time but somewhat less frequently. This is based on the feedback we’ve received from our strong, regular clientele. Our expectation is that you’re professional.
We, as a venue, have a strong and loyal following. We expect your band should have the same. The best parties start when we mix our great folks with your great folks!
We actively promote our venue and all of the weekly entertainment. Your band should have promotion together that is every bit as strong as your following. It doesn’t matter how great your band is if nobody knows you’ll be here or shows up to see you.
Finally, our belief is that our night together can only be qualified as a success with the three, following key ingredients:
Our customers have a great time;
Your band has a great time (it’s infectious);
We have a great night.
So you’ve read all of the above and believe you have what it takes to become part of the Billy Blues entertainment lineup? Please send the following information via email to bbbarandgrill@gmail.com (no phone calls to the club please):
Name of your act;
A description of your genre of music;
A link to your website (including calendar) and Facebook page
A link to your YouTube and Reverbnation if available;
Your “official” promo picture;
Your contact information, including contact name, phone number and email address. Also let us know if you’re available weeknights, weekends or cancellations (or all three).
We look forward to hearing from you,
Billy Blues Bar & Grill